Making Our Dreams Come True: California Or Bust

The first five seasons of Laverne And Shirley would find its familiar setting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Milwaukee City Hall  welcoming visitors to its city during the opening intro.  With the show’s setting transitioning from Milwaukee to Burbank, California for season’s 6-8 came a new intro for the duo. Though the setting would be in Burbank…

Making Our Dreams Come True

A stone’s throw away from the Bronze Fonz is another TV landmark linked to a Garry Marshall production. Milwaukee City Hall, a scant walk from The Fonz, is another familiar spot to those fans of a TV Land generation.  During it’s first five seasons of it’s eight season run, Milwaukee City Hall would “Welcome” it’s visitors…

These Happy Days Are Yours and Mine

Throughout it’s run of 10 season’s the one character from Happy Days that viewers looked forward to seeing was that of Arthur Fonzarelli, aka The Fonz.  In 2008 the city of Milwaukee where the show takes place paid tribute to Fonzie’s character by dedicating a statue in his honor. The Bronze Fonz can be seen along Milwaukee’s…